Se cerchi prodotti, volantini e punti vendita -

Chi Siamo

Conad – acronimo di Consorzio Nazionale Dettaglianti – è la più ampia organizzazione di imprenditori indipendenti del commercio al dettaglio presente in Italia.

Annual Report

Annual Report 2023

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Le Cooperative

Gli imprenditori associati costituiscono le Cooperative, le quali operano nelle diverse aree del Paese, coordinano l’attività commerciale a livello territoriale e offrono agli associati servizi amministrativi, logistici e finanziari.


Sosteniamo il futuro

Ci impegniamo costantemente a contribuire alla crescita del nostro Paese, avvicinandoci con forte sensibilità a temi ambientali e promuovendo la produzione nazionale.

Bilancio di Sostenibilità 2022

Bilancio di Sostenibilità 2022

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News e approfondimenti

Iniziative, posizioni, dichiarazioni e approfondimenti che riguardano il sistema cooperativo Conad.


About us

The Conad model

The Conad model

Putting people first is a question of responsibility for Conad: its Members are entrepreneurs who have chosen to form Cooperatives, which in turn are part of the national Consortium that acts as a purchasing and service centre for the entire System.

International alliances and memberships

Conad is a member of two political-trade union organisations whose aim is to engage with institutions and other economic actors involved in large retail.

These are ANCD (Associazione Nazionale Cooperative fra Dettaglianti – National Retailer Cooperative Association) and, representing the segment, ADM (Associazione della Distribuzione Moderna – Modern Distribution Association).

The Consortium is also a member of AgeCore, an international strategic alliance that brings together the partner brands of Core and Alidis: Colruyt, Coop Suisse and Eroski, which have a collective turnover of over 69 billion euros with nearly 8,950 stores.

In addition, the Conad Consortium and the five member Cooperatives are part of Confcommercio – Imprese per l’Italia, the largest business association in Italy and Europe with 700,000 members.

Regional and local relations

It is through a sense of solidarity with the community and local social organisations that breathe life into it that the direct relationship between Members and community takes shape.

Conad is thus a pillar of the community for initiatives promoted by its Members to meet local needs. This approach results in the creation of forms of “horizontal subsidiariety” that involve various stakeholders (such as customers, suppliers, associations and government) with the aim of improving the well-being of the community.