Chi Siamo
Conad – acronimo di Consorzio Nazionale Dettaglianti – è la più ampia organizzazione di imprenditori indipendenti del commercio al dettaglio presente in Italia.
ApprofondisciLe Cooperative
Gli imprenditori associati costituiscono le Cooperative, le quali operano nelle diverse aree del Paese, coordinano l’attività commerciale a livello territoriale e offrono agli associati servizi amministrativi, logistici e finanziari.
ApprofondisciSosteniamo il futuro
Ci impegniamo costantemente a contribuire alla crescita del nostro Paese, avvicinandoci con forte sensibilità a temi ambientali e promuovendo la produzione nazionale.
ApprofondisciNews e approfondimenti
Iniziative, posizioni, dichiarazioni e approfondimenti che riguardano il sistema cooperativo Conad.
ApprofondisciConad is the only modern distribution company with a range that covers all distribution channels. A system of brands that, from neighbourhood stores to large-scale hypermarkets, aims to meet customers’ every need.
This multichannel system is built around a broad, diversified range, capable of meeting the needs and demands of traditional families and customers with new lifestyles and different spending habits.
In recent years, Conad’s national concept stores have been reinforced. They were created to expand its classic offerings with an extensive network of services that broads increasingly broad coverage of customers’ needs and their new, diversified purchasing habits, from refuelling to medicines, well-being products, contact lenses and prescription glasses, and even pet food and care products.
Conad regards digitalisation not as an end unto itself, but a means of providing opportunities for contact beyond shopping. The commitment to circularity between physical and digital stores made it possible to observe customers’ spending habits from various perspectives, underscoring the importance of also investing in advanced models to collect and interpret data, in order to be capable of designing a multichannel offering that supports real shopping trips. The Conad omnichannel process clearly involves e-commerce shopping but also plans to develop in a far more articulated manner starting in 2023, to be completed in 2024 with full implementation.