Chi Siamo
Conad – acronimo di Consorzio Nazionale Dettaglianti – è la più ampia organizzazione di imprenditori indipendenti del commercio al dettaglio presente in Italia.
ApprofondisciLe Cooperative
Gli imprenditori associati costituiscono le Cooperative, le quali operano nelle diverse aree del Paese, coordinano l’attività commerciale a livello territoriale e offrono agli associati servizi amministrativi, logistici e finanziari.
ApprofondisciSosteniamo il futuro
Ci impegniamo costantemente a contribuire alla crescita del nostro Paese, avvicinandoci con forte sensibilità a temi ambientali e promuovendo la produzione nazionale.
ApprofondisciNews e approfondimenti
Iniziative, posizioni, dichiarazioni e approfondimenti che riguardano il sistema cooperativo Conad.
ApprofondisciThe particular complexity of 2022 had an inevitable impact on the economic situation in Italy and internationally. Despite the post-Covid-19
recovery, the outbreak of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine represented an extremely important factor of instability for the markets, which were forced to reckon with higher production costs, lower real household incomes and particularly tight monetary policies.
In this scenario, Italian GDP nonetheless increased by 3.7%, supported by domestic demand. At the same time, consumer prices rose by 8.7% on average and retail sales were up by +4.6% against a decline in volumes.
In 2022 the number of job-holders in Italy increased by 545,000 on
However, despite the improvement in jobs, the gender gap remains significant: of the newly employed, 296,000 were men and 38,000 women.
The year 2022 ended with household grocery expenditure at an all-time high, +6.4% on 2021.
The increases affect all of Italy, although some categories have been particularly affected, including “young single people” and “new families”.
Price rises were most notable for pasta and cereals, oils, soft drinks, meats and cheese products, whereas wines and fish products were the only categories to show a real decline in spending.